
Employment, Education, and Family Insights Now Available in Catchlight

Written by Yelena Melamed | Dec 19, 2022 11:01:03 PM

We get great feedback from our advisor clients, for which we are grateful. One area of feedback related to data that we’ve heard quite often is interest in education and employment backgrounds of a lead. 

Employment connections can help turn a lead into a client 

Having insight on where a lead works or has worked offers an advisor two distinct advantages: 

  1. We've heard from many advisors that they've created niches for themselves amongst certain professions or even employers. Perhaps you're an expert on helping doctors balance high incomes, student debt, and malpractice insurance needs. Or maybe you know your local tech company's benefit structure better than anyone and can help your clients get the most of little-known benefits. Catchlight's new Employment section will display up to three of the leads most recent positions held. 

  2. We know you love referrals. (BTW, we do too ;-) Now with employment history, you can see if any of your clients overlap with leads that you have. With this insight a simple outreach to the client asking them to put in a good word for you with these leads is a no-brainer.  

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Leverage school connections to grow your practice.  

In addition to providing employment details, you'll now see education details. This data can be leveraged to create warm introductions in your alma mater networks. You can also use this to find connections between current clients or friends and new leads. This data may give you insight into the trajectory of a lead's career.  

New insight into family status including children and grandchildren 

You know that when you service a client, you are indirectly serving their loved ones too. With the new Family and Connections data, you can see if a lead is likely married, how many children they may have, and how many grandchildren could be in the picture. Wow your prospects by showing them not only how you can help them with their financial goals, but also how you can help their family thrive. 

Find the social connectors amongst your leads 

Sometimes, your clients can be your biggest advocates for growing your business. They may introduce you to their friends, family members, colleagues, neighbors, and broader networks helping to create your next batch of leads that turn into great clients. 

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With the Catchlight Social Capital Score, you may now have insight into a lead's network strength, within both physical and digital communities. The Social Capital Score is driven by but is not limited to: club & board memberships, professional networks, and social media reach. Use this new insight to help prioritize your outreach to those that could become your most valuable referrals source in the future.  

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