Writers block? Not the creative writer type? Would you rather spend your time helping your current clients instead of writing hundreds of prospecting emails?
We get it. That’s why we built AI generated prospecting emails into Catchlight. A new tool, unique to the needs of financial advisors.

Studies have shown the positive impact that personalization can have on prospect messaging. Delivering an email that is highly relevant and speaks to the needs of the recipient may yield better results than an email that is cookie cutter and written for the masses. We’ve all seen and deleted those.
Also, the structure of an email can matter. How's your salutation – are you making a connection?
What about adding content that might be topical – ups or downs in the market?
How about your value prop (the reason you are sending the email in the first place) - is the positioning you use relatable to each person you send a message to?
There were a number of routes that we could have chosen while building out this feature, but what guides us is our advisor customers. Our north star is always striving to improve your prospecting outcomes, and our approach here was to deliver a solution that was easy yet flexible, impactful yet infinitely scalable.
The result is a unique email that can be easily edited if needed. If the first one generated does not suffice, simply click the button and a new one will be generated. This is a quick and repeatable process designed to help advisors drive more engagement week over week.
It’s now available to all active Catchlight users with an active subscription.
Not a subscriber and want to check it out? Click here to speak with a Catchlight Growth Specialist to see it in action.